Influencer Referral Promo.png

Influencer Referral Promo 🎯

PDAX Photo


April 05, 2024

2 min read

Use the referral codes from the following influencers to qualify: 

Profile Name/ Tiktok Handle

1. Ivy Bermejo/ @ivybermejo_

2. Samuel Uy/ @samueluyyt

3. Elle - Accounting and Finance/ @thewellethylife

4. Maty Luarca/ @aintmaty

5. Ma Isabel Capili/ @isabelsoutlet

6. Claudine Ng/ @claudine.png

7. Trixie | Adulting + Finance/ @finance_with_trixie

8. Onad Castillo/ @samgyup.rc

9. NXP Raven/ @nxp.raven

10. Jaz Comoda/ @generaltuna19

11. Karl Rasalan/ @karlrasalan

12. Stephy Berry/ @stephyberry

How to join:

 -> Sign up and be a Level 2 verified PDAX user.

 -> Enter the influencer code before finalizing your first transaction on PDAX.

 -> Purchase of crypto or bonds qualify for this promo.

 -> Promo duration: March 27, 2024 5:00 PM to April 30, 2024 5:00PM

Keep these in mind:

 -> Make sure to use the influencer code upon buying crypto or bonds. This can be found in the payment confirmation screen (after clicking “buy” and before you click “confirm”).

 -> Promo is limited to a maximum of one (1) redemption and valid for Level 2 verified users who are making their first purchase of bonds or crypto on PDAX.

 -> Each valid redemption will receive PHP 250 worth of cashback.. You will receive an email confirming the validity of your code redemption within 10 business days.

 -> You may check your app inbox to confirm that your code redemption is being validated. This is found on the bell icon on the upper-right corner of your PDAX homescreen.

 -> Crediting of reward for successful promo redemptions will be processed within 3 business days after validation.

Terms and Conditions apply: This campaign is subject to terms and conditions. PDAX reserves the right to change the terms or cancel the campaign at any time without prior notice. Always ensure that you are compliant with all local laws and regulations when participating in financial promotions and activities.